Elegant Themes Giveaway!

ElegantThemes is one of the most popular theme provider in the premium theme business.The site is managed by Nick Roach a talented and professional web designer/WordPress developer.

Today, we will have a new and exciting giveaway from SmashingWall Administrator to celebrate the debut of this new website design. In this giveaway Elegant Themes membership, with full access to all premium wordpress themes for one year to 3 lucky winners.

How To Participate?

  • 1. Follow @smashingwall.comSmashingWall Twitter.
  • 2. Tweet/Retweet following message.
  • Follow @smashingwall.comSmashingWall and retweet this to win. Elegant Themes Giveaway | http://bit.ly/hasL9M

  • 3. Submit the URL of your tweet at comment section below.
  • 4. You may enter this giveaway multiple times by tweeting the message once a day until giveaway closes. Each tweet is counted as one entry, which will be put into the list of entries.
  • 5. Contest starts as soon as this post is published and ends on January 31st, 2010.
  • 6. Winners will be chosen using Random.org’s List Randomizer after the contest ends.

Elegant Themes






Random winners: Raju (comment #01) , Peter Franco (comment #14) and S Domini (comment #15)

Congratulations! Winner will receive an email shortly!

About the author

Aldo Bukit is chief editor and owner of SmashingWall.com. Aside from his full time job, he loves blogging about design in general. He has over ten years of marketing design experience and the passion continues on. His profile on Google+ -


  1. Loved going through this. Keep it up!

    • gyeLI0 Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂

  2. Hi,



    Thanks 🙂

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