30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design

Illustration in web design is an interactive way to bring a unique and artistic approach in to website design, there are many places to display illustration in website as design elements for example backgrounds, header, footer, sidebars or in the content area.

This post presents fresh examples of illustration in modern web design. All screenshots can be clicked and lead to the sites from which they’ve been taken.

If you find anything useful for yourself and want to share it to web design community do send us details and website links via our contact form or drop links in comments.

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Illustration In Web Design

Soft! e Oscar

illustration in web design

Grzegorz Kozak

illustration in web design

n.design studio


illustration in web design

The SmartStrand Challenge

illustration in web design

Giant Media Corp

illustration in web design

Portfolio do Guilherme

illustration in web design

Mooze Design

illustration in web design


illustration in web design

Denise Chandler

illustration in web design


illustration in web design

Tijuana Flats

illustration in web design


illustration in web design


illustration in web design


illustration in web design

Vacation in Supetarska Draga

illustration in web design

Hugs For Monsters

illustration in web design

Danilo Lurlaro

illustration in web design


illustration in web design

Olympia Film Festival 2010

illustration in web design


illustration in web design

Virtualni Atelier

illustration in web design


illustration in web design

FreeAgent Depot

illustration in web design

Lucia Soto

illustration in web design

Plavacek Webdesign

illustration in web design

Dan Piraro

illustration in web design

Level 2 Design

illustration in web design

Coo-Coo Core

illustration in web design

El Designo

illustration in web design

Mission Pneumonia

illustration in web design

Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-feed and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for recent updates.

About the author

Aldo Bukit is chief editor and owner of SmashingWall.com. Aside from his full time job, he loves blogging about design in general. He has over ten years of marketing design experience and the passion continues on. His profile on Google+ -


  1. wow this beautiful

  2. These are great. 😀

    I have a illustrated website too… Check it! 😉

  3. Great to see more illustration websites.

  4. I’m so envious with your design. I just love them so much. The whole time I was looking at your designs, all I could think about was “WOW”. Thanks for a great post.

  5. nice illustrations, thanks for inspire..


  1. 30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design - [...] 30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design [...]
  2. 30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design | WebDevKungfu - [...] 30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design [...]
  3. 30 Eye Catching Illustration In Web Design | FreshME - [...] Jaki? czas temu trafi?em na ?wietny zbiór stron, które zbudowano w oparciu o rozbudowane (mniej lub bardziej) ilustracje. Efekty…
  4. Amazing Concept Art And Illustration by Kentaro Kanamoto - [...] Amazing Concept Art And Illustration by Kentaro Kanamoto [...]

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