48 Ultimate Web 2.0 Adobe Fireworks Styles for Modern Web Graphics

Adobe Fireworks Styles are very useful command to gather multiple effects like Stroke, Fill, Effect and Text attributes then compile in one style and apply into elements like header, modal boxes, text fields or any vector object in the Fireworks.

In this article we present ultimate web 2.0 Style for the modern web design graphics with some quick tips and examples, download link.

A special thanks goes to Mahmoud Khaled Deiab at Mkhaled who created Clean Gradients Set for Adobe Photoshop Users.

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Click on below image for full preview

Examples To Use Styles In Fireworks

Modern Styles To Buttons

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Modern Styles To Search Fields

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Modern Styles To Tooltips

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

How To Modern Styles Import And Implement in Adobe Fireworks

Step 1

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 2

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 3

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 4

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 5

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 6

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 7

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

Step 8

Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks

download Modern Styles for Adobe Fireworks [link] (file size 192KB)

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About the author

Aldo Bukit is chief editor and owner of SmashingWall.com. Aside from his full time job, he loves blogging about design in general. He has over ten years of marketing design experience and the passion continues on. His profile on Google+ -


  1. Nice resources and tut, but i think the link is wrong.

    • You are Welcome…. link updated now, thanks!

    • Fidinng this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!

  2. I believe the download link is the wrong file??

    • Dustin You are Welcome…. link updated now, thanks!

  3. Wrong download link. Links to social media icons.

  4. Great resource, thanks for sharing

  5. These are some really nice styles. Thank you.

    • Posted on It is smtoeimes difficult to find good articles online, but your material is awesome. I found this easy to understand content that is formatted in an easy to read way.

  6. Steps 3 and 4 are the same image. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the share!

    • Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I apctrpiaee it.

  8. Thank you, you will helped me develop new sites, excuse my english, I’m Brazilian.


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